
Greater Trochanter Pain syndrome (GTPS)
GTPS is a common condition affecting women over the age of 40 years old. It is an inflammation of the tendons of the hip muscles or the hip bursa resulting in discomfort and pain on the outside of the hip joint. Common symptoms include Pain on the outer and upper most region of thigh and tenderness around the outside of the hip joint. The pain can sometimes radiate down the front and outside portion of the thigh. There can be swelling or bruising of the hip and tenderness to the touch. Other symptoms include general hip stiffness, decreased hip movement and pain when lying on the affected side especially on hard surfaces. Pain is usually worse when going up or down stairs or standing for too long. You may notice walking becoming painful which can also cause pain in the knee or lower back. Common causes include a spike in training routines as well as a muscular imbalance with weakness of the gluteal, hamstring, quad, abductor, adductor and hip flexor muscles. Other causes link to repetitive hip movements in sports such as cycling, running and hockey. The good news is that these symptoms can resolve through specific and gradually graded exercises that your physiotherapist will be able to prescribe to you after assessment.
Piriformis Syndrome
This is a muscle located deep within your buttock and in some people can be a cause of great discomfort. It has a close relationship with the sciatic nerve and as a result can be a cause of sciatica. The sciatic nerve within the deep gluteal region can result in symptoms such as buttock pain, tenderness in the buttock region, shooting, burning, or aching down the back of the leg, numbness and/or pins and needles down the back of the leg. These symptoms can be aggravated by stretching or contraction the deep hip rotators. Because of its close relationship with the sciatic nerve your physiotherapist will complete tests that will identify a more muscular or nerve related condition. Treatment varies depending on the nature of the diagnosis. Your physiotherapist will be able to detail the rehabilitation process for you in order improve your symptoms.
Hip impingement

Hip impingement known as femoral acetabular impingement (FAI) is a movement related disorder with multiple symptoms associated to the condition. Hip pain, clicking, catching, stiffness or giving way with restricted movement are linked to hip impingement. Typically, active males around adolescence who participate in multi-directional and high impact movements are at risk of developing symptoms. Likewise, active females are at risk who are around 30 years old, can notice a gradual onset of symptoms and struggle to sprint. Physiotherapy can help by providing advice on management that can assist settling the symptoms down before developing a rehabilitation plan to return to sport over a 3-4 months. In some cases if symptoms are not improving then a referral on to orthopaedics would be advised.

Groin Strain

Groin or adductor muscle related strains are most commonly associated with active 20 – 30 year old males who play football, hockey or who are highly athletic. Current evidence suggests more male than females suffer with this condition however with more females playing sport the cases are increasing. Pain is felt when stretching the groin and when pressing on the tendon (part where muscle joins to the bone). Physiotherapy can help improve these symptoms by selecting the correct level of intensity for your rehabilitation and assist you in returning to your activities. Rehabilitation time scales vary mainly on how long you have been experiencing the symptoms.